Friday, July 22, 2011


Today, Leon and I went to physical therapy. He's getting into the routine --went straight to his spot and took a nap.

After, we went to the grocery store. At the advice of our trainer Maria, I gave him something to hold while we walked around the store --and it worked for his sniffing/wanting to greet people issue. Of course, we are still working on this issue --don't want the carrying an item to be a crutch, but want to actually resolve the problem. But it worked well--he proudly carried the little pouch all around the store, to the register when we checked out and out to the car. Also, he opened and held the freezer doors in the frozen food section with the door hook tool --on the first try each time! No more doors whacking me when I shop! :D

Tomorrow, Leon and I are going to the big Reliant dog show in Houston. I will be parking downtown and we will take the MetroRail down to the Reliant Center. One of my friends is competing with her Sheltie in Agility. She is also the trainer we will be working with to meet our first-year Graduate Support Class credits (since we live so far from CPL) --so she will be there to help in between runs. I am hopeful that things will go well --great training opportunity on working under heavy distractions --plus, I hope to compete in Rally with Leon in the future (am aiming for the Conroe Kennel Club show this winter) --so this will help him get used to a show environment as well.

Wish us luck! :)

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